公司是交通部审批的无船承运人NVOCC、天津市国际货运代理协会TIFFA 会员。 自公司成立以来,锦航始终秉承“以人为本、服务客户、尽善尽美的企业宗旨,为客户提供优质服务。公司具有国际专业水准及丰富海运知识和多年海运经验的人员组成。 业务范围涉及:海运、陆运、空运、一条龙高素质配套服务,同时配有商检、报关、报检、仓储、装箱、进口物流等辅助性业务。As a china-based leading logistics company, we provide customer-specific Airfreight programs to different shippers. We understand that Air freight is a premium and expensive service, so our services focus on more space control, 2nd leg follow up, constant communication, combined with the ability to seize cost saving opportunities.Cargo InsuranceInland transportation to door from gateway Airport or local pickup to gateway AirportsCommunication of shipment status throughout flexible communication channelsExport packaging and labeling